Subscribe To Various Modules Depending On What Your Business Requirements Are
Core Software
The ERS Biometrics Core Software allows for the full account setup of users and their respective viewer rights and setting up groups, departments and more. The software also provides you with the tools to remotely monitor the heartbeat of your biometric devices, ensuring that they are communicating and have power (Device specific). The software comes standard with our Employee Module, with the flexibility of creating custom fields, as well as auto-reporting functionality.
The Core Software supports all of the below mentioned modules, providing a powerful resource management tool for your business.

The ERS Biometrics Attendance Module enables companies to monitor and manage their employee attendance and time worked.
- Comprehensive Attendance reports
- Auto report functionality
- SMS/email notification of exceptions
- Online Device monitoring and management
The ERS Biometrics Time and Attendance Module enables companies to accurately manage their employee attendance, hours worked, overtime taken, leave submitted, etc. The module takes away many of the manual processes allowing for easy exception management.
- Advanced Shift Management
- Schedule Your Shifts / Rostering
- Comprehensive reports
- Auto report functionality
- Leave Management
- Pre-loading of Overtime
- Clock Management
- Export to Payroll


The ERS Biometrics Enforcer Module manages all Clocking Exceptions on behalf of a business, simply notifying management of when an employee doesn’t clock IN or OUT, works Short hours and even when an employee works unauthorized overtime.
- Automated Exception Management
- Only shows clocking exceptions
- Sends Email Alerts to Line Manager
- Escalates alerts or sends reminders if not attended to
- Respond with comments only or edits
Leave is one of the most time-consuming and difficult processes for any business to manage. Our unique Leave Management Module option provides the facility to pre-load annual or sick leave for employees, reducing the need for modifications at a later stage. Leave can be applied for online and approved with the click of a button.
- Employees can apply for leave online or from our smartphone app
- System admin users / management can immediately approve or decline the leave
- An automated email is sent out to both the employee and the manager confirming the leave status
- The updated leave is then ready to sync with payroll

The ERSBio Advanced Scheduling module offers various methods of linking employees to shifts. Schedules can be downloaded from 3rd party software applications into ERSBio, or alternatively, scheduling templates can be downloaded from ERSBio, completed and uploaded for ease of scheduling.
- Create traditional or rotating shifts
- Easily edit existing shifts
- Bulk load and allocate shifts
- Shifts can be downloaded as an editable Excel spreadsheet
- Shifts can be restricted to specific employees which prevents casuals from accidentally being scheduled for a permanent worker’s shift
- Shifts can be limited to a count, this way we ensure that an employee only works X amount of shifts before a rest day is forced
Work cycles refer to the pattern of work and rest days that employees follow. It typically includes a set number of consecutive work days, followed by one or more days off. Work cycles can vary in length depending on the employer and industry.
- Each days’ work cycle can be allocated by use of dropdown menus
- Reports can be generated to show a breakdown of the schedule or work cycle


The ERS Biometrics Communication Module enables businesses to send personalised bulk SMS messages to their database of employees or clients, as well as suppliers, from a central point.
- Send messages immediately or schedule them
- Personalise messages
- Incorporate data from any field (Amount Due, etc.)
- Save Template messages
- Sends automatic messages for special dates (Birthdays etc.)
- Allows for reply messages
- Comprehensive reporting
The ERS Biometrics Access Control Module will allow you to manage your access control remotely, creating a secure business premises.
- Secure Access Control Management
- Time Zones
- Temporary Access Rights
- Smart Access / Access rights altered based on triggers (optional extra)

Access Control Hardware & Accessories
ERSBio provides a wide variety of Access Control hardware & accessories to properly secure your business premises. From Biometric Verification Terminals to Turnstiles and Vehicle Barriers.

The ERS Biometrics Job Costing Module allows you to capture your job costing activities online, automatically transferring the data to the biometric device (Device specific) or Smartphone APP. Employees access the activities on a dropdown menu on the device/s itself when clocking. Specific activities can be set to only appear on selected devices, making the dropdown selection simple and uncluttered.
- Easy job selection with positive identification
- Comprehensive reports
- Integrates into scales (Weight & Quantity)
- Exports to payroll
The ERS Web Clocking Module will allow employees to clock IN and OUT on the ERS software at their workstation, be it at work or from home, as an alternative or in conjunction with the traditional clocking methods.
- Multiple employees can be clocked IN or OUT on one workstation
- Blocking / allowing of certain IP addresses, ensuring that employees cannot clock from home unless granted permission to do so
- The interface can be dragged into any position on the screen
- Shows employees T&A stats, broken down into Hours worked, Breaks and Total hours
- Automatically synchronize every 60 seconds with the ERS Biometrics Cloud Software
- For positive identification, employees can clock in for work directly on the ERSBio Cloud Software, using Facial Recognition or via the EBZU02 / EBZU03 fingerprint devices
- Optional Geo-Location, allowing for a location to be added to the employee’s clock. This enables employers to see where they were at the time of clocking
The ERSBio R14 APP is a SmartPhone Time and Attendance Clocking APP that enables employees to clock IN or OUT from a remote location, using the phone’s GPS functionality to plot them on Google Maps to verify their location. All clocking information is viewable in the ERS Biometric Time & Attendance Module, giving you extensive tools and reports to properly manage your remote employees’ time worked.
- Links to the ERS Biometrics Time and Attendance Software
- GPS coordinates of clocking locations
- Geofencing
- Plot clocking on Google Maps
- Photo function for visual evidence
- Clock multiple employees
- Job Costing functionality
- Supports external fingerprint module
- Monitors Desktop activity
- Categorizes activities as Productive, Unproductive, Blocked
- Alerts when unpermitted program / site accessed
- Auto log OUT if inactive
- Comprehensive Reporting
- Exports to Time & Attendance
- Can link to both Facial & Fingerprint Verification


Implementing a system to send employees notifications about their Time and Attendance details enhances engagement, transparency and communication within an organization. This system not only keeps employees informed about their work hours, overtime, and clocking data, but also fosters a culture of openness by allowing employees to reply to these notifications.
You are able to send a variety of automated notifications to your staff, allowing them the opportunity to query hours worked before finalising payroll.
- Employees’ Time and Attendance hours for the previous day. This is broken up into Normal Time, Overtime, Overtime 2.0 or other time types you have set up on the system.
- Employees’ Overtime hours for a select period of time, be it daily, weekly or monthly.
- Employees’ actual clocking data. This will indicate when the employee clocked in/out for work, as well as whether they clocked in/out for breaks.
- These notifications also allow for reply messages from employees, with queries/approvals.